Rabu, 05 September 2012

My new class

Posted by erna victor On 09.33 2 comments

Its different note from me.  i want to share with english.  i dont know must be start from.. 
okay. i will story about my activity after hours at my office. i take my coversation class at one place english course. i have teacher who give me more lesson at my class, and i have one classmate. why just one ? because its private class, which have maximum two person have join. 

In the first time i started with my new class, i've awkward. maybe i  have a litte vocabulary and i dont have a practice at my home,  and a while my friend can speak english well, cas cis cus indonesia people say. 
but i try .. and try hard to can speak english , i remember about my vocabulary that i have... and then .. my new class its a wonderfull place... 

Yeaaah..  there is weird in my special day last night. heheeheh i have a course but my child with me too... he is accompany of me to take my new class... 
then i take question with my classmate, askar he has name.. :
 " askar, do you disturbed if my son joins here ? "
He answer : " no aunty, im fine with this class, and he is good boy, and calm"
hahaahaahhhahah he call me aunty, maybe, just because i'm  20 years old then him.. hahahhaahah
I study with my nephew.. ( like aunty and nephew ) ... ITS A SO FUNNY .. 

My class start from 18.30 pm till 20.00 pm.  itys a happy class i think..  i get  more lesson and new friend also.   hemmm   its about my class lastnight.

see you at my next post..

2 komentar:

bravo kereen mo belajar lagi, jd pengin ikut pinter english .... :)

ya ayolah belajar bareng :) :) :) :) :) :) di semrng aja, biar deket aku :))

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